Responsible Lending Index | SKOCH Digital Impact Assessment

Responsible Lending Index

To enhance the digital lending sector, SKOCH Centre of Excellence has proposed a Responsible Lending Framework to ensure its growth, safety and transparency. It is based on extensive research covering countries like India, UK, US, Sweden and China. It covers areas including Product Design and Delivery, Prevention of over Indebtedness, Transparency, Responsible Lending, Fair and Respectful Treatment, Data Security and Privacy, Customer Grievance Redressal, Fraud and Security. It is essential to implement frameworks that guarantee digital lending platforms provide borrowers with clear and easily understandable information regarding loan terms, interest rates, fees and repayment structures. This transparency will help borrowers make informed decisions. Encouraging partnerships between digital lending platforms and established corporations can facilitate ecosystem-based lending. This approach leverages the reputation and resources of larger entities, helping to mitigate fraud and increase trust in the digital lending process.

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Early Bird: 15th October 2024

Last Date: 30th October 2024

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